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Welcome to the Integral World sitemap, your guide to navigating our website efficiently. Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of all the main pages and sections of our website, organized for your convenience.
  • Overview: Learn about Integral World’s mission and vision.
  • Programmes and Presence: Discover our core work.
  • Latest: Stay updated with our most recent announcements and developments.

Integral World’s programs are carefully designed and structured to address the complex challenges and goals associated with our mission. We understand the importance of a strategic approach in creating meaningful and lasting impact. Here’s an overview of our key programs and the strategies that drive them:

Programme Strategy (Research & Analysis)

Purpose Definition

Systemic Analysis

Programme Designing

  • (Theory of) Change Management: Developing a theory of change to guide our programs’ impact.
  • Need Exploration: Researching and identifying the specific needs of our target populations.
  • Location Recognition: Determining the geographical areas where our interventions will be most effective.
  • Delivery Mechanisms: Establishing the methods and channels for program implementation.

Brand Building and Positioning

Engagement Strategy

Resource Mobilization

Implementation Plan

  • Monetary Plan: Developing financial plans to ensure program sustainability.
  • Manpower & Motivation Plan: Building and motivating the workforce needed for program execution.
  • Time Plan: Creating timelines and schedules for program milestones.
  • Material Plan: Managing the physical resources required for program success.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Outreach (Design and Content)

Organisational Communication

Cause Campaign

Programme Outreach

Project Promotion

Donor Engagement

Constituent Engagement

Public Relations Management

Publicity & Marketing

Action (Production & Delivery)

Research and Analysis

Promotional Activities

Technology Integration

Report and Documentation

Monitoring and Evaluation

Capacity Building

IEC Resources

Turnkey Production

At Integral World, we believe that strategic planning, effective outreach, and impactful actions are integral to achieving our mission and the Sustainable Development Goals. Our commitment to these programs drives us closer to creating a better, more sustainable world for all.

Integral World’s presence extends across various sectors and encompasses a wide range of stakeholders, each playing a crucial role in advancing our mission and promoting sustainable development. Here’s a comprehensive overview of our presence in different domains:

Presence in the Nonprofit Sector

Organization Communication

  • In the nonprofit sector, we focus on effective communication to convey our mission and engage with partners, donors, and beneficiaries. Clear and strategic communication is integral to building trust and transparency.

Resource Mobilization

  • We actively engage in resource mobilization efforts, collaborating with nonprofits to secure the necessary resources for our initiatives. This includes fundraising campaigns, grant applications, and donor engagement strategies.

Social Campaigning

  • Social campaigning is at the heart of our nonprofit presence. We leverage campaigns to raise awareness, advocate for change, and mobilize communities around critical social and environmental issues.

Programme Support

  • Partnering with other nonprofits allows us to provide support for various programs and initiatives. We offer our expertise, resources, and networks to amplify the impact of programs aligned with our mission.

Presence in the Business Sector

Cause Alignment

  • In the business sector, our presence involves aligning with companies that share our commitment to social and environmental causes. We seek out businesses that are dedicated to making a positive impact.

Cause-Related Marketing

  • Cause-related marketing partnerships allow us to leverage business resources for social good. Collaborating with businesses in marketing initiatives helps us reach a broader audience and generate support.

Public Relations

  • Our presence in business extends to managing public relations efforts. We work with businesses to enhance their reputation through socially responsible practices and ethical branding.

Impact Study and Reporting

  • Businesses partnering with us benefit from our expertise in impact assessment. We conduct thorough studies and provide detailed reports on the social and environmental impact of their initiatives.

Presence in the Government Sector

Policy Support

  • In the government sector, we engage in policy advocacy and provide support for the development of policies aligned with our mission. We work closely with government bodies to shape regulations that promote sustainability.

Nudge Campaigning

  • Nudge campaigning involves encouraging behavior change through subtle and positive reinforcement. We collaborate with government agencies to design and implement campaigns that promote sustainable practices.

Project Implementation

  • Our presence in government includes actively participating in project implementation. We work hand in hand with government entities to execute projects that have a meaningful impact on communities.

Public Engagement Strategy

  • Engaging the public is a key aspect of our government presence. We develop strategies to facilitate meaningful and inclusive public participation in decision-making processes.

Presence in the Institutional Sector

Research and Analysis

  • Our institutional presence involves rigorous research and analysis. We collaborate with academic and research institutions to generate valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Publications and Production

  • In the institutional sector, we produce publications and educational resources that contribute to knowledge sharing and capacity building. These materials are used to educate and empower communities.

Networking Support

  • We actively support networking efforts within institutions. Building strong networks and partnerships is integral to our institutional presence and fosters collaboration for sustainable development.

Event Management

  • Event management is a significant component of our institutional presence. We organize and manage events that bring together experts, stakeholders, and the public to address critical issues.

Presence in the Foundation Sector

Long-term Strategy

  • Our presence in foundations centers around the development of long-term strategies for sustainable impact. We collaborate with foundations to create strategic plans that align with our shared goals.

Grant-making Support

  • Supporting grant-making processes is another aspect of our foundation presence. We assist foundations in identifying impactful projects, evaluating grant applications, and monitoring progress.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • We actively engage in monitoring and evaluation efforts within foundations. Our expertise in this area ensures that funded projects are effectively implemented and achieve their intended outcomes.

Reporting and Case Studies

  • Reporting on the impact of foundation-supported projects is an essential part of our presence. We provide comprehensive reports and case studies that showcase the success stories and lessons learned.

At Integral World, our diverse and extensive presence across these sectors allows us to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, driving forward our mission of promoting sustainable development and making a positive impact on our world.

Integral World’s projects span across various domains, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address critical global challenges. Here’s an overview of our projects categorized by the SDGs they contribute to:

SDG 1: No Poverty

  • Our poverty alleviation projects aim to improve the livelihoods of marginalized communities through skills development, access to resources, and economic empowerment programs.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

  • We work towards ensuring food security and addressing malnutrition by supporting sustainable agriculture, promoting access to nutritious food, and raising awareness about hunger issues.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

  • Our healthcare projects focus on improving access to quality healthcare services, raising awareness about health issues, and supporting healthcare infrastructure in underserved areas.

SDG 4: Quality Education

  • We are committed to promoting quality education for all by supporting initiatives that enhance access to education, provide educational resources, and improve the overall quality of education.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

  • Gender equality is a fundamental goal. We empower women and promote gender equality through education, economic opportunities, and advocacy against gender-based discrimination.

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

  • Our projects focus on improving access to clean and safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education, particularly in communities facing water scarcity.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

  • We actively promote the adoption of clean and renewable energy sources, advocate for energy efficiency, and support initiatives that ensure access to affordable and clean energy.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • We facilitate job creation, support entrepreneurship, and advocate for fair labor practices to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • Our projects support the development of sustainable infrastructure, innovation, and technology adoption to drive economic growth and connectivity.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

  • We actively work to reduce inequalities by supporting marginalized communities, advocating for inclusive policies, and promoting social inclusion.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • We focus on creating sustainable cities and communities by promoting environmentally friendly urban planning, infrastructure development, and community engagement.

SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Our projects promote responsible production and consumption patterns by advocating for sustainable sourcing, waste reduction, and ethical business practices.

SDG 13: Climate Action

  • We actively raise awareness about climate change, support climate adaptation and mitigation initiatives, and promote sustainable practices to combat climate change.

SDG 14: Life Below Water

  • Our marine conservation projects aim to protect and preserve marine ecosystems, promote sustainable fishing practices, and combat pollution of oceans and seas.

SDG 15: Life on Land

  • We work towards conserving biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, and promoting sustainable land use practices to ensure life on land thrives.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  • Our peace and justice projects focus on promoting peace, supporting strong institutions, and advocating for justice and human rights.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

  • We actively engage in partnerships with governments, organizations, and communities to collectively work towards achieving the SDGs and creating a more sustainable future.

Integral World’s projects are designed to address the most pressing global challenges, and our commitment to collaboration and innovation drives us to make a meaningful impact on a global scale.

Integral World offers a diverse and comprehensive perspective through a range of publications, blogs, audio-visual content, initiatives, and downloadable resources. Here’s an overview of our perspective-building elements:


  • Books: Our books delve deep into critical global issues, offering in-depth analyses, research findings, and innovative solutions.

  • Presentations: We create dynamic presentations to communicate complex ideas effectively and engage our audience.

  • Whitepapers: Our whitepapers provide authoritative insights into specific topics, offering expert opinions and thought leadership.

  • Reports: Through detailed reports, we offer comprehensive coverage of our projects, their impacts, and their outcomes.

  • Newsletters: Stay updated with our regular newsletters, which provide the latest news, highlights, and upcoming events.

  • Factsheets: We simplify complex information into easily digestible factsheets, making knowledge accessible to all.

Audio Visuals

  • MiniDocs: Our mini-documentaries offer a concise yet compelling look into various global issues.

  • Podcasts: Tune in to our podcasts featuring expert interviews, discussions, and insightful commentary.

  • Interviews/Dialogues/Discussions: Engage in meaningful conversations with experts, thought leaders, and changemakers.

  • Motion Graphics: Visualize complex information and concepts through our motion graphics presentations.

  • Webinars: Join our webinars to gain in-depth knowledge and insights from subject matter experts.

  • Musicals: Enjoy musical compositions that convey important messages and raise awareness about global challenges.

  • Short Films: Our short films provide impactful storytelling on critical global issues.

  • Documentaries: Dive deep into complex global topics through our thought-provoking documentaries.


  • Articles: Our blog articles cover a wide range of topics, offering insights, analysis, and opinions on global issues.

  • Insights: Dive deep into critical subjects with our insightful blog posts, offering unique perspectives and fresh viewpoints.

  • Reviews: We provide reviews of important developments, books, and events shaping our world.

  • Commentaries: Our commentaries offer expert opinions and analysis on current affairs, policies, and trends.

  • In the News: We keep you informed with the latest news updates on issues that matter.

  • AV Trends: Explore the latest audio-visual trends and innovations that are changing the way we perceive information.

  • Fun Infographics: Enjoy infographics that simplify complex data, making it engaging and easy to understand.


Integral World undertakes a wide range of initiatives, each focused on specific global challenges. These initiatives include:

  • Micro-Entrepreneurship Empowerment: Empowering individuals through entrepreneurship and economic independence.

  • Community Gardens for All: Promoting sustainable food production and community development.

  • Mental Health Matters: Raising awareness and supporting mental health initiatives.

  • Free Progress: Advocating for human rights, social justice, and equality.

  • Women & Workplace Well-being: Promoting gender equality and well-being in the workplace.

  • WishWash: Supporting clean water and sanitation projects for underserved communities.

  • Energy-Wise – Save Today for a Safe Tomorrow: Encouraging energy-efficient practices to combat climate change.

  • Integrated Rural Development: Supporting rural communities in developing sustainable livelihoods.

  • Progress by Design: Promoting innovation and design hubs in developing regions for entrepreneurship and infrastructure development.

  • Collective Strength: Providing resources and support to marginalized communities, reducing social and economic inequality.

  • Conscious Cities Initiative: Integrating innovative technologies into urban infrastructure for sustainable and caring cities.

  • Circular Zero: Encouraging waste reduction, reuse, and recycling to promote responsible consumption and a circular economy.

  • Learning Climate: Promoting environmental education and climate action.

  • Samudra Manthan: Focusing on marine conservation and protecting life below water.

  • FoRESTore: A project dedicated to conserving forests and preserving life on land.

  • Peace by Peace: Promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions.

  • Youth for Sustainable Development: Engaging and empowering youth for sustainable development.


Integral World provides a variety of downloadable resources:

  • Posters: Informative posters on critical global issues.

  • Screensavers: Screensavers featuring impactful images and messages.

  • Games: Educational and awareness-building games for all ages.

  • Planner: Organizational planners to help you stay on top of your schedule.

  • Useful Links: Curated links to websites and resources relevant to our initiatives.

  • Tools: Practical tools to support sustainable practices and decision-making.

  • Press Kit: All the essential information and resources for media and press.

  • Strategy Checklist: A comprehensive checklist to assist organizations in their strategy planning.

  • Communication Calendar: A calendar template to plan and schedule communication efforts.

  • Action Plan: A template to help individuals and organizations create actionable plans for various initiatives.

  • Quotes: A collection of insightful quotes that inspire and motivate.

Integral World’s perspective is designed to be informative, thought-provoking, and action-oriented, encouraging individuals and organizations to make a positive impact on the world.

Profile of Integral World


Vision/Mission/Values: Integral World is driven by a vision of a world where sustainable development, social justice, and environmental stewardship are paramount. Our mission is to promote and implement initiatives that address critical global challenges. Our values include integrity, inclusivity, innovation, and a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

Goals and Objectives: Our overarching goal is to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We aim to do this by undertaking initiatives that create positive social, economic, and environmental impacts.

Establishment: Integral World was established in [Year of Establishment] with the vision of making a meaningful difference in the world through a holistic and integrated approach to global challenges.

Partnership & Affiliations: We actively engage in partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organizations, governments, businesses, and individuals who share our commitment to sustainable development.

Accreditations: [List any relevant accreditations or certifications here.]

Annual Report: Our annual report provides a comprehensive overview of our activities, achievements, and impact over the past year.

IW Strategy: Our strategic approach encompasses a focus on holistic solutions, innovation, and inclusive development.

Brand Identity: Integral World’s brand identity is a reflection of our commitment to sustainability, innovation, and social impact.


Inquiry: We begin by exploring critical global challenges and identifying areas where our interventions can make a significant difference.

Insight: In-depth research and analysis help us gain a deep understanding of the issues at hand.

Innovate: We leverage innovation and creativity to develop unique and effective solutions.

Integrate: Our integrated approach ensures that all aspects of a project align with our mission and goals.

Implement: We put our plans into action, working tirelessly to create meaningful change.

Introspect: Regular reflection and assessment help us continuously improve and refine our strategies.


Inquisitive: We maintain a curiosity-driven approach, constantly seeking to understand the root causes of global challenges.

Evidence-Based: Our strategies and decisions are grounded in sound research and evidence.

Storytelling: We use the power of storytelling to raise awareness and inspire action.

Human-Centric: People are at the heart of our initiatives, and we prioritize their well-being and empowerment.

Beneficiary First: We always consider the needs and perspectives of the beneficiaries of our projects.

Action-Oriented: Our focus is on driving real-world change and impact.

Win-Win Scenario: We seek solutions that benefit multiple stakeholders and create positive-sum outcomes.

Collaborative: Collaboration is at the core of our approach, as we believe that collective action is essential for addressing global challenges.

Experimental: We are open to innovative ideas and are willing to take calculated risks to find effective solutions.

Self-Assessing/Contemplative: We regularly assess our strategies and outcomes, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Empathic: Empathy guides our interactions and decision-making, helping us better understand and address the needs of others.

Nature-Friendly: We are committed to sustainability and prioritize nature-friendly practices in all our initiatives.


Project Areas: Our projects span various regions, addressing global challenges in diverse geographical contexts.

Client Areas: We work with clients and partners worldwide, tailoring our solutions to local needs.

Our Reach: Integral World’s impact extends across continents, reaching communities in need.


Team: Meet our dedicated team of professionals and experts who drive our mission forward.

Org. Structure: Our organizational structure is designed to maximize efficiency and impact.


Foundation: Learn about our association with Auroville and our shared commitment to sustainable development.

Society: Discover our involvement with Auroville’s vibrant and diverse community.

Ecosystem: Explore how our initiatives integrate with the unique ecosystem of Auroville.

Visit Auroville: Interested in experiencing Auroville? Find information on visiting this remarkable community.


Offices: Locate our offices and get in touch with our team.

RFI: Use our Request for Information (RFI) form for inquiries or collaborations.

Social Media: Stay connected with us on social media to receive updates and engage in meaningful conversations.

At Integral World, we are committed to creating positive and lasting change in the world. Our profile reflects our dedication to sustainable development, innovation, collaboration, and a people-first approach. Together, we can make a difference.

Partner with Integral World

Integral World is committed to forging partnerships and collaborations that drive meaningful change and create a positive impact on society and the environment. Here are the ways you can partner with us:


  • Organisational Way Forward: Partner with us to define a strategic path forward for your organization. Our consultancy services will help you align your goals with sustainability and social impact.

  • Thematic Programme: Collaborate on developing thematic programs that address specific global challenges. We bring together expertise, resources, and innovative solutions to make a lasting difference.

  • Stand-alone Project: Work with us on standalone projects that target critical issues. Our experienced team will assist in planning, implementation, and evaluation to achieve your project’s objectives.


  • Project: Join us in co-creating and implementing impactful projects that tackle pressing global issues. Together, we can make a real difference on the ground.

  • Campaign: Collaborate on campaigns that raise awareness, mobilize support, and drive positive change. Leverage our expertise in campaign design and execution for maximum impact.

  • Event: Engage in events that facilitate dialogue and action on key topics. We organize and participate in events that bring together thought leaders and change-makers.

  • Research: Contribute to research initiatives that inform evidence-based solutions. Research collaborations with Integral World drive innovative approaches to complex challenges.

  • Product: Partner with us to develop innovative products that align with our mission and create a positive societal and environmental impact.

  • Network: Join our network of organizations and individuals committed to sustainable development. Collaboration within our network amplifies our collective influence.

  • Workshop: Engage in workshops that empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills needed for positive change. Our workshops foster capacity building and learning.

  • Publication: Collaborate on publications that disseminate insights, best practices, and research findings to a broader audience.


  • Sharing your Expertise: Share your knowledge and expertise with us. We believe in a culture of collective learning and welcome contributions from individuals and organizations.

  • Volunteer for our Cause: Volunteer your time, skills, and passion to support our initiatives. Your dedication can make a meaningful impact on the ground.

  • Donating Towards our Initiatives: Make a financial contribution to support our projects and campaigns. Donations are essential for funding initiatives that drive positive change.


  • Work Culture: Explore career opportunities with Integral World and become part of a dynamic work culture that values creativity, collaboration, and social impact.

  • Consulting: If you are a consultant looking to make a difference, consider consulting opportunities with us.

  • Intern: Gain valuable experience through internships that align with your interests and career goals.

  • Job Opportunities: Join our team and contribute your skills and expertise to projects and initiatives aimed at creating a better world.


  • Land 4 Auroville: Join us in supporting Auroville’s mission to create a sustainable and harmonious community. Your involvement can help preserve precious land for future generations.

  • COVID-19 Relief: During times of crisis, we mobilize resources and support to address urgent needs. Contribute to our COVID-19 relief efforts and help those affected by the pandemic.

Partnering with Integral World opens up opportunities to make a meaningful impact, drive positive change, and create a better future for all. Whether you represent an organization, are an individual with expertise to share, or want to contribute in any way, we invite you to join us on this journey of social and environmental transformation. Together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes.

Understand our policies regarding your privacy.

Review the terms and conditions for using our website.

We hope this sitemap helps you navigate our website effectively. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Let's integrate and make a better world, together!