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Discover how we have applied strategy, outreach and action to a particular situation by finding solutions to overcome struggles and make many projects a success.

We have worked together with some progressive names to make this world a notch better.

At Integral World, we are passionate about partnering with organizations to tackle pressing global challenges and make a positive impact. Our expertise lies in offering comprehensive solutions and strategic guidance to address the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through our collaborative efforts, we aim to create a better world by integrating resources, fostering innovation, and promoting global partnerships.

Our projects are usually a mix of:

Completed Projects

Youth for Sustainable Development

A program that empowers young people to take an active role in advocating for and implementing the SDGs in their communities.
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Peace by Peace: Building a Harmonious World One Step at a Time

An initiative that supports conflict resolution and mediation efforts to promote peace and stability in conflict-affected regions.
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FoRESTore: Nurturing Nature’s Green Resurgence

A campaign that focuses on afforestation and restoring degraded ecosystems to protect biodiversity and combat desertification.
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Samudra Manthan: Nurturing Life Below Water

"Samudra Manthan: Nurturing Life Below Water" is not just a campaign; it's a movement. 🌊 Integral World's commitment to the well-being of our oceans, seas, and marine life is unwavering.
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Circular Zero: Paving the Way for Responsible Consumption and Production

A program that supports the transition to a circular economy, where products and materials are reused and recycled to reduce environmental impact, encouraging individuals and businesses to reduce waste, reuse
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Conscious Cities Initiative: Transforming Urban Landscapes for a Sustainable Tomorrow

An effort to create caring more sustainable cities through the integration of innovative technologies into urban infrastructure.
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Collective Strength: Empowering Marginalized Communities for a More Equal Society

A program that provides resources and support to marginalized communities, reducing social and economic inequality.
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Progress by Design: Catalyzing Innovation and Infrastructure Development

A campaign promoting innovation and design hubs in developing regions, fostering entrepreneurship and infrastructure development.
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Shall we integrate to create a new project?
We have the right experience, understanding and sensitivities to walk you through to the new world of opportunities.