Programme Outreach:
Partnerships & Expansion
We integrate like-minded groups towards sustainably achieving common goals
While you carry out your program, you may reach a stage where the only way to to continue is by growing. Either in scale or space. To grow in scale you may have to find new partnerships that can support your cause to expand in size. On the other hand to grow in space you may have to find partners who are ready to implement the program across multiple locations.
We process your need for finding new partners and expanding by inquiring the underlying imperatives of the program and studying the impact it has made so far and the future potential. We articulate your requirement from the beneficiaries point of view and position it to further the cause of potential supporters. The idea is to show the larger picture in a compelling way to make it an irresistible proposition for the audience it’s meant to be.
Functions under Partnerships & Expansion
Tools that articulate the benefits of coming together
We create materials and other deliverables to assist you while you pitch your purpose to your potential supporters. We endeavour to present your case in an earnest way and list out the bright side of the new partnership. We make sure it spells out all the required information comprehensively, yet in a concise manner.

Encountering ideas face-to-face opens up new avenues
We make it possible for you to attend relevant events and meet new people and put forth your proposal in a persuasive style. The events are usually a busy space and everyone else is also trying to vye for your audiences' attention. We work towards making you stand out and tell your story either directly or indirectly.
Creating win-win solutions for all stakeholders
If required, we can assist you in proposing a specific custom designed program to advance your mission in an appealing fashion. If the ultimate target is to improve people's life and the means of that happening can only be by accommodating other organisations imperatives, we can find innovative models to create win-win situations.