From Vision to Action: Auroville & SDGs Model for a Sustainable Future

In a world grappling with complex challenges like climate change, poverty, and inequality, Auroville stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. This international township embodies the principles of sustainable living, community building, and holistic development. Founded in 1968 with a vision to create a “universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics, and all nationalities,” Auroville has become a living laboratory for exploring alternative ways of living and addressing the pressing issues facing humanity.

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Auroville – Utopia Based Inspiration


This paper enumerates the aspirational aspects of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) and in doing so attempts to present Auroville as an exemplar to the outside world. Auroville has been in existence as an intentional community for more than 50 years now, we are however yet to implement a UBI in its truest sense. But, what makes Auroville a compelling context for UBI is its existence grounded on the ethos of unity in diversity, constant progress, and a research-centric futuristic approach. Each of these provides a fertile ground for a multitude of ideas to sprout and flourish, which can then be transposed to a larger context.

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