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Research and Analysis:

Policy Related R&A

We peruse through complete policy landscape and offer you in-depth insights

We provide a way for understanding how and why authorities enact certain policies, and their effects. We research the policy limitations and study theoretical underpinnings. We aim to describe and critique different approaches to policy making thus providing direction for undertaking policy analysis in the field of cause promotion.

We aim to identify the ‘best’ solution, through undertaking objective analyses of possible solutions. We look at mainstream approaches that focus on the interaction of policy actors in policy making. And, we interpret approaches that examine the framing and representation of problems and how policies reflect the social construction of ‘problems’. Policy analysis may assist understanding of how and why policies to improve are enacted (or rejected) and may inform practitioners in their advocacy. Our policy research analysis provides a powerful tool to understand the use of evidence in policy making and generate a heightened understanding of the values, interests and political contexts underpinning policy decisions. Such methods may enable more effective advocacy for policies that can lead to improvements in governance.

Functions under Policy Related Research & Analysis


Look at the full gamut of global efforts for concerted actions

In our meta-policy approach, scope is of the macro-scale and its problem interpretation is usually of a structural nature. We aim to explain the contextual factors of the policy process; i.e., what the political, economic and socio-cultural factors are that influence it. As problems may result because of structural factors (e.g., a certain economic system or political institution), solutions may entail addressing the structure itself.

a man and woman sitting at desks with laptops
a men and women looking at the tablet


Analyse and scrutinise the progress to be in sync with purpose

We conduct analytical and descriptive analysis of existing policy, which attempts to explain policies and their development. For new policies we provide prescriptive analysis wherein we’re involved with formulating policies and proposals. Essentially, the areas of your interest and the purpose of analysis determine what types of analysis are conducted.


Check and critique the local actions for larger good

We use both qualitative methods and quantitative methods to analyse local policies. Qualitative research includes case studies and interviews with community members. Quantitative research includes survey research, statistical analysis (also called data analysis) and model building. We define the problem and evaluation criteria; identify and evaluate alternatives; and recommend a certain policy accordingly. Promotion of the best agendas are the product of careful analysis of priori and posteriori policies.

a girl hugging a tree
Offerings related to Research and Analysis:
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