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We help you

your bit

We request you to contribute as an individual your resources in terms of your expertise, your time and labour, or through monetary means to make meaningful change through us.

We invite you to share and

Manifest your
valuable thoughts

We need to debate, discuss and deliberate about choosing the right kind of transformation in our integrated world.

If you resonate with our vision and ideas you can contribute to our action by various means. We being a non-profit depend on offerings and gifts from good-spirited people like you to make our dreams of a better world come true. We succeed because of the rightful mix of idealists and realists in our midst. If you are one amongst it or a bit of both of it it would be a pleasure to work with you and progress together.         

If you like or if you are an expert in the field of strategic communication or action you can contribute your know-how and time to a cause. You can also help us if you are an expert in the field of people prosperity planet peace or partnership related themes. You can equally add value if you are from the field of non-profit government CSR institutions or foundations by bringing their perspective and helping us cater to them better. Essentially, you are contributing towards solving the problems. Problems of two kinds created and posted. Created problems are known problems with known solutions and non-problems with Unknown solutions. Caused problems are the ones with unknown problems with unknown-solutions and unknown problems with unknown solutions. They can be addressed in a proactive or reactive manner.   

In Integral World, we believe in objectively looking at the problems and finding possible solutions. We strategically plan the actions which can be taken to execute the solutions. Our action plans usually start for a want of resources and this is where the contribution can make all the difference. By volunteering, you give us your minutes and man power. by providing your expertise you give us the mastery. And by donating you give us the money and materials to perform. This provides us with all five M resources to uphold and execute any idea.             

If you wish to represent your organisation, please visit our collaboration page for various possibilities.

sharing your expertise
Contribute by:

your expertise

You are welcome to contribute in-kind by either sharing your knowledge or know-how, thus, helping us become better in what we do and enhancing our capabilities.

If you are an expert in the development sector and specialise in any form of strategy, communication or implementation, you would immensely contribute towards our performance. We would also appreciate your inputs if you are an expert in any one or more of the 17 SDGs. We are adept at working digitally and will be happy even if you can work remotely and contribute to our efforts. We will also appreciate it if you can be available as a sounding board to bounce our ideas off. Alternatively, if you have the substantial experience you may also be part of our thematic actions as a mentor to guide us and/or our collaborating partners.

As an expert, you can help us in our inquiry endeavours by contributing your insights to research, analysis or publications. If you are an expert in creativity you can contribute to our ideation and innovation initiatives by either design or Content support. And, if you are an expert in the implementation of outreach related activities, you can help us in the sphere of digital, event or Audiovisuals. As an expert, you can also help us connect with appropriate collaborators to carry out projects, campaigns, events, research, product, network, workshop, or publications.    

Contribute by:

for our cause

Another way of associating with our functioning is by contributing your time and energy towards the vision and action for larger good.

volunteering for your cause

If your interest lies in any one of the programs or in the SDGs, Your contribution of efforts will be highly appreciated. You will be amazed and positively burdened By the amount of change you can make. You would work with our team in person or remotely and contribute to our ongoing projects depending on your abilities and interests. Also, you’ll be introduced to our self-initiated projects and upon your liking and the prevalent needs, you can choose between existing ongoing projects or/ and work on the new ones. It would be ideal if you are in and around Auroville to enjoy the utmost experience of volunteering and learning in the blessed environment.                         

The best way to go about volunteering with us is by simply writing to us and showing your interest in any given field. The requirements keep changing according to our work schedule And it is best to simply connect with us in any form 2 to simply know the available options. Alternatively, you can also visit the SAVI website to see our updated available opportunities.

donations towards initiatives
Contribute by:

Donating towards
our initiatives

If you are in a gifted position to contribute financially, we have many interesting initiatives ourselves or other Auroville related ones which might interest you.

The vision of Auroville is to realise human unity. The first point of four sections in our charter refers to this ‘Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But, to live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.’ All over work is directed towards helping humanity and any support that you can provide is more than welcome. The funds that we raise go directly towards the initiatives that Integral World runs or towards Auroville’s social cultural-ecological or educational initiatives. We raise the funds in primarily two ways – through consultancy services and by donations. Money raised is used towards the said initiatives or many time in providing free assistance to wonderful development work which cannot necessarily offer our services. Your small help would go a long way.

To make a donation you can go to our designated page depending on your location – from India or abroad. All our donations go to our Central Pot called Unity Fund and then are directed towards our initiative. Thus don’t forget to mention Integral World when you make that donation. Alternatively, you can write to us to inform you about the transaction and the initiative you want to support.

Wanna contribute to our effort?
Integrate Now!
We would love to listen to your ideas, opinions, advices, criticisms, insights, or perhaps, just a word of encouragement.

Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.

Stephen R. Covey