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We help

Build your Programmes

​After going through an intense process of securing resources and partners to carry out your mission, you still need a robust strategy and a thought out communication roadmap to successfully carry out a programme.

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For any nonprofit, successfully planning, launching, managing and scaling their programmes is the core function of the organisation. As the performance of the programme is the indicator of the health of the non profit organisation. It doesn’t matter how good you’re in raising funds, managing your internal staff, at the end of the day, what matters is how much impact you could make. We meticulously study the needs of your constituents and wants of your donors to find complete alignment in your operations. Also, we explore and find similar instances of programmes geographically and impact of other programmes on the same demography to understand the pattern of previous programmes. Then, with you we explore ways to express the idea in the native language, idioms and reference points for utmost clarity to all the stakeholders. Hereafter, if required, we collate and consolidate dispersed initiatives to have an unified programme strategy. At appropriate times, we create and produce outreach components of your programme in conjunction with you or independently. However, at each stage of your programme, we recommend and would install learning mechanisms in place to further perform better. 


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Study meticulously the needs of your constituents and wants of your donors

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Find similar instances of programme geographically and impact of other programmes on the same demography

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Explore ways to express the idea in the native language, idioms and reference points

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Collate and consolidate dispersed initiatives to have an unified strategy

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Create and produce outreach component of your programme independently

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At each stage of your programme, have learning mechanisms in place to further perform better


You could approach IntegralWorld at any stage in your programme timeline, we can adapt to help you reach your goal. If you’re at the initial stages, we help you design your programme to have maximum impact on the constituents and with likelihood of support in purview. If you’re in the intermediate stage, we can help create an impeccable outreach component as part of your implementation plan. Whatever is the stage, we can devise the most appropriate messaging strategy towards your programme’s outreach. If you’ve certain projects with specific mandates, we can help promote it to achieve its objectives. As part of your programme, if you’ve strong communication related actions, we can help in building capacities to successfully execute the programme. If there is a demand for IEC resources in the development programme, we can ensure its delivery in a timely and effective manner. 

Related Programmes:

We help you design your programme to have maximum impact on constituents and with likelihood of support in purview. We meticulously study the needs of your constituents and wants of your donors to find complete alignment in your operations.

If you're in the intermediate stage, we can help create an impeccable outreach component as part of your implementation plan. We recommend and install learning mechanisms in place at each stage of your programme to further perform better.

Whatever is the stage of your programme, we can devise the most appropriate messaging strategy towards your programme’s outreach. We create and produce outreach components of your programme in conjunction with you or independently.

If you have certain projects with specific mandates, we can help promote them to achieve their objectives. We handle promotional activities with care for maximum returns.

As part of your programme, if you have strong communication-related actions, we can help in building capacities to successfully execute the programme. We have a dedicated capacity building program to drive effective results.

If there is a demand for IEC (Information, Education and Communication) resources in the development programme, we can ensure its delivery in a timely and effective manner. We help you craft messaging devices for effective constituent engagement and outreach.

Shall we look at your organisational communication