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Report and document

We document your work’s process and progress with deft and diligence to be comprehensively and contextually reported to different stakeholders and for your own records.

report and documentation icon

Organizational reporting or project reporting involves both publicly communicating operational and financial utilization and regularly providing information to decision-makers within an organization. This supports improved operational intelligence and knowledge management, typically involving the extraction, transformation, and distribution of information using one or more reporting tools. Reports can be disseminated in print, via email, or accessed online, serving purposes of verification and cross-checks.

Our documentation procedures vary across sectors and themes, encompassing tasks such as drafting, formatting, submitting, reviewing, approving, distributing, reposting, and tracking. These processes adhere to associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the regulating program. Occasionally, we generate content from scratch, focusing on clarity and ease of understanding. Our team includes technical writers and organizational communicators, professionals with extensive experience in both the subject matter and the art of crafting user-centric content (information architecture).

Data Collection & Reporting

a man standing in front of a whiteboard and explaining the graphs

We collate, survey, and analyse various dimensions of your actions and report it  

The data gathered during research and implementation dictates the documentation process and the ultimate form of the written report. Any documentation, therefore, requires complete familiarity with the data gathered. When used in tandem, the techniques of data collection and of data analysis help marshal irrefutable and substantial information and we ensure that the information gathered is exhaustively considered. A report may have multiple purposes, and we advocate clear identification of yours. Reports may serve to educate readers about a cause, inform them of the project’s findings, make recommendations, and serve as a basis for an advocacy campaign.

Photo and Video Documentation

a men and women looking in the camera

We freeze the frame or capture the movement to document moving stories

We take photos and videos of your projects and campaigns. The before & after images, depicting action are a great way to document and share the hard work of you and your partners. We collect photos and videos from beginning to the end of the projects for donor appreciation, constituent confidence, or simply for your own records.

Digital Reporting

two women looking at the tablet

We harness the digital advances and social media revolution to report in novel ways

The disruptive impact of digital technology will, naturally, affect the world of development reporting. The dispersal of information through social media platforms is only one part of a complex picture. At the core of our approach around digital reporting is what users want and need, which can be summarised in two words: comparability and specificity. Digital technology gives us the capability to compare structured data, with a programme-specific overlay.

Case Study and Testimonial Documentation

a couple of women looking at a tablet

We search, observe, and record stories of your actions’ affect on people’s lives.

We use case studies to highlight constituents’ stories of the impact of the projects. A well written case study can powerfully convey the impacts of any project and establish your credibility. While reporting case studies we strengthen it by drawing on good research practices including the inquisitive questions, case selection, representation, reporting and ethics. We also apply the same approach while recording the testimonials of staff, supporters, partners and other enablers to well document the process and progress.

Shall we begin reporting and documenting?