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Constituent Engagement:

Information Dissemination

We distribute information in a responsible and reliable manner for maximum reach

Even in this day and age, information is a privilege that only a few have access to. Lack of information can be crippling on certain marginalised and disadvantaged communities. At times, the logistics may not be the only constraining factor and the resistance may come from the community within due to misunderstanding or mere fear of change.

We address this challenge by going deeper into the root cause of apprehension or reason for scarcity. The survey usually gives us a fair idea of the background and prevailing conditions. We find insights from other success stories either from the same region or different and try to apply our angle of understanding and study the results. If required, we alter the course according to the response.

Functions under Information Dissemination

Written means

We use the traditional tools to explain in black and white

We convert the information into local context and create a suitable delivery mechanism to reach the rightful audience. Often it’s by the means of printed materials which are either in the local language or visual representations. Generally, the printed literature gives credibility to the effort and the trust may ensure proper distribution.

a man sitting at a desk and writing on the notebook
a group of children sitting at a table

Tactile means

We employ visual and gestural tactics to reach the unreachable

At times the information that we seek to provide be seen and interesting and extremely boring to the audience. A simple presentation will not induce them to sit through the process. More interesting forms like play, music, shows will put forward the information much more effectively.

Multimedia means

The audiovisual means takes the message cutting across divides

If the information demands wider reach Audiovisuals may prove to be an efficient and effective mode of communicating. This requires a careful selection of stories which may appeal to different sections of the society and tasteful crafting of the film or other media to spice up the interest in the information that you seek to provide.

a person working on his tablet
consult icon
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