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Donor Engagement:

CSR Alignment Assets

We create synergy for your organisation and the CSR to come together and make impact

Any private or public company with a CSR budget would want to look for maximum bang for the buck. They too wish to see change in the society but within the purview of their predefined objectives. They would have decided on their focus areas depending on the impact their company has on the people and planet.

The CSR assets must outline the two important aspects of consideration for any prospective donor. The first being the definition of the problem itself and the magnitude at which it exists, according to your understanding. The second aspect is showcasing the means and the imagination of your organisation to solve the problem and meet the needs better than anyone else. We endeavour to always be brief in our approach and present an enthusiastic and positive outlook of your intent. We consider every potential funding as a unique opportunity and develop assets to cater individually.

Functions under CSR Alignment Assets


We prepare the ground for you pursue collaboration

There needs to be a lot done before you even approach a company for CSR funding. It all starts with good planning and analysing your strengths and weaknesses to make an impact. You need to make a connection and impress the donors long before you get an opportunity to meet and present your big ideas. This can only happen with careful scrutiny of different organisations intentions and finding aligned thoughts to present and generate leads.

a man sitting at a desk writing in a notebook
a group of men looking at a tablet

Meeting related assets

We make sure you ring the right bell during contact

With the existence of robust pre meeting aligning tools, you may seek a meeting to present in person. The affirmative response may indicate that they have an affinity for your work, but still there is a lot to be done to reinforce their confidence in your organisation and convert the meeting into a result-oriented closing opportunity.


Will ensure meaningful follow-up for rewarding partnership

The real work starts with the successful agreement on partnership to proceed with the project. Transparent and intelligent communication is required to follow up on the positive gains and to formally bring the tie-up to fruition. Even after securing the funds regular form of reporting is necessary to keep the sponsor in the know and for canvassing further support.

a woman sitting at a table writing on a clipboard
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