We help you
Work withPurpose
For us, work is not a means to an end, but an end in itself. We consider work as a service, as an offering, like yoga and it is a means to bring prosperity to our collective consciousness.

We understand that to work in a happy and positive space, one needs an encouraging and enriching environment. We also understand that people look for different aspects of their work. The first and the most basic aspect is its ability to provide the means of one’s Survival and flourishment. The second aspect one looks for in work is the atmosphere, wherein a positive and motivational surrounding is provided for once utmost performance and progress. The third and most important aspect of work that every individual knowingly or annoyingly has far is the meaning of existence. The work that we do defines us and gives our life more than just Subsistence for survival.
Keeping these insights in mind we endeavour to create a new way of working methodologies for our staff, interns, Consultants, et cetera. In this network model of the working system, which some call as the gig economy, we try to make way for remote working experience, so that people can relish their personal life in a better way. We believe in the deurbanisation and conscious living ideologies and strive towards creating a new fractal working model. Depending on the projects each one of us crisscrosses at various levels depending on the speciality and sector we work under.
Some of the perks of working for Integral World, in Auroville, is not worthy of measuring in tangible terms. How does one measure the joy of cycling to work amidst the green surroundings? How does one gauge the impact of working in the global atmosphere where you might come across people from 60 nationalities? How does one understand the impact of aesthetic beauty on the calmness and creativity of the mind? How does one specify the positive effect of working amongst the fraternity of karmayogis?
If you are a specialist in the field of strategy, communication, or implementation we are looking forward to working with you. We would also be interested to have you amongst us if you are proficient or interested in the aspects of SDGs. Check our open opportunities related to the field of inquiry, insights, innovation, integration, implementation, and introspection. We cannot promise you superficial stars and moon, but can definitely offer you meaningful space and grounding.
At Integral World, work is considered as yoga and we take our role and responsibilities seriously. Though ours is a relaxed and informal place to work, workwise we are very serious and committed and put in our hundred per cent each time. We offer flexible timing to work in but that doesn’t mean the deadline is flexible too. We wish to have smart people amongst our midst and slogging is not appreciated one bit. For us, the quality of time spent matters more than the quantity of time wasted. We work in an interconnected manner and our performances are interdependent, any hiccup at any stage leaves a cascading effect. The independence of work comes with a higher degree of personal responsibility. We are committed to providing you market equivalent compensation, which may come in the form of salary and/or incentives.
We are a lean organisation which means that we only hire full time when the position is indispensable and cannot be managed any other way. hence we look for people who can take ownership and full responsibility for their actions. We look for motivated individuals who are the result and impact-oriented and the focus is on getting the job done.
When you intern with integral world apart from learning on the job, you learn to live in an entirely new way. You may be required to align yourself with the existing theme and assist in their work but we can assure you that there is always enough room to experiment and in fact we encourage that. Apart from the real life projects and other collaborative projects you will get an opportunity to work in our cutting-edge initiatives which could be for Auroville or for the global audience. While you intern with us, perhaps the larger outcome would be to live and experience the Auroville life. You may have a look at our community’s event calendar to see various kinds of interesting happenings. And remember by working with integral world you are contributing towards the ideals of Auroville.
You can choose to intern with us for a specific period of time or for the duration of a specific project. We always have opportunities related to research and writing for our perspectives. Many a time, we’re looking for resources to support us in our collaborative projects and self initiated actions.
If you are a senior professional and working full time within the constructs of the job is not your cup of tea, perhaps the opportunity to provide your expertise on a consultancy basis may interest you. You may take up roles as per your liking and engage in working with us remotely while enjoying your independence. Our working model is heavily dependent on the talented consultants who are brought on board for specific purposes and times. We maintain a skeletal team for coordination and the rest is managed through our broad network of subject matter experts. The recent phenomenon of the Gig economy has enabled us to go beyond the conventions of employment and work together on the terms of action. This model has opened doors for many professionals to work remotely, as per their aspirations and inspirations. For the ones who can take an intense workload, this method has paved the way for multiple engagements.
As a consultant, you may support us with your expertise or certain skills. For eg. in strategy, content writing, filmmaking, etc. you may also pitch in if you are an expert on a theme or a subject, eg., renewable energy, poverty alleviation, gender issues, etc. You could also become our valued asset as a regional expert. For eg., Gujarat, Bangladesh, South Asia, etc. If you have a talent, the possibilities are endless and rewarding.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.