Publicity & Marketing:
Cause Related Marketing
We help you market your specific cause to the benefit of multiple stakeholders
If you are working relentlessly towards a cause and want to see it succeed at any cost marketing the idea could be a great solution. Of course, this only works when you have ample resources at your disposal to exercise this luxury of paid propagation. When you have targets to meet and believe that the investment made in the cause related marketing would justify the results.
We’re more-than-usual conscious while handling marketing for your cause. This is one of the most challenging aspects of marketing. Usually marketing is done for a product or service, which means effectively there’s something to exchange. In the case of marketing your cause, we’re trying to convince your audience to buy-in to the cause in lieu of satisfaction, gratitude, goodwill, happiness, etc. It only works with the knowledge of your audiences’ aspirations and intelligent messaging.
Functions under Cause Related Marketing
We propagate your cause through printed medium
In print media, space is money. Print media is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media, such as magazines and newspapers, posters, billboards and direct mail to reach your prospects. People have a tendency to browse the print ads that they come across and may not decide on the action instantaneously, but it does settle down in their subconscious mind and slowly it grooms them to commit to it.

We harness the digital space to spread your cause
Through digital marketing we deliver cause related content to your audience via various online and digital channels. It leverages mediums such as social media, influencers, email, search engines, mobile apps, affiliate programs and websites to promote your message to audiences. Given its precision targeting tools, this form of marketing allows you to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.
We utilise the electronic media to benefit your cause
This media mainly consists of radio and television which transmits sound which was and motions in a dazzlingly attractive manner to its viewers. Here, time is the crucial commodity. It provides for a speed transmission of your ideas to a wide range of audience at a comparatively low cost. The role of broadcast advertising in persuading audiences about the benefits of the idea is very effective.