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Capacity Building:

Organisational Transformation

We help build substantial ground work to undertake long-term transformational exercises

Organizational capacity building, employed by NGOs, foundations, and governments, guides internal development and activities. Projects focusing on communication strategies, volunteer recruitment, leadership succession, technology updates, and outcome measurement enhance an organization’s capacity to deliver its mission effectively. Strengthening your ability over time enhances the positive impact on lives and communities.

Our work centers on aligning organizations with rapidly changing environments through organizational learning, knowledge management, and transformation of norms and values. We strive to improve organizational climate, culture, and strategies, fostering a mood and shared beliefs that influence collective behavior.

Functions under Organisational Transformation

Thought Transformation

We enrich you with noble and novel ideas to initiate change

Capacity building for thought transformation involves an ongoing, systematic process of perceiving and believing in change. Drawing on sociology, psychology, and motivation, we provide expertise in systems thinking, organizational learning, intuition in decision-making, and coaching. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures a holistic understanding of organizational change.

a man thinking of something
a group of people sitting together and holding each other

Solution Transformation

We look into the root challenges and relook at solutions

As a change-maker striving to create impact, we recognize the evolving challenges. Capacity building for solution transformation involves reevaluating solutions, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and fostering collaboration and cooperation. We prepare your members to align with changes, break stereotypes, and create an environment of trust to willingly accept change.

System Transformation

We survey your process and innovate efficient ways of delivery

After identifying transformational solutions, delivering change may require a new look at the delivery system. Our assessments often uncover inefficiencies due to flawed policies, procedures, resource management, frameworks, and communication. We develop robust systems covering recruitment, deployment, incentives, skills development, performance evaluation, and ethics.

a group of people putting their hands together
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