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We help you

Build Powerful

Through patterned interactions that are predictable, institutions exist in the transformatory capacity in every sphere of our lives, the social, economic and political.

a women holding a blue folder

We endeavour to

Help establish
Longlasting legacy

Our actions are directed towards actualizing your vision, making you approach your mission, in line with your values.

In modern societies, institutions matter in every aspect of it. We cannot imagine empowered and influential citizenry without the contribution of a network of impactful institutions. Institutions shape the way we all think, say and act. Moreover, institutions are identified with a social purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern living behaviour.

If you’re a part of this incredible setting called institutions, you may be well aware of the importance of communication in the way you think, how you express, and eventually whatever you do. Institutions come in all sizes and shapes and are set up for a wide variety of reasons. You could be part of educational institutions, meant for kids, adolescents and adults. Or, are part of research-oriented institutions setup for academic or scientific reasons. Or, perhaps, you’re part of a theme based institution setup for advocacy, industry, media, medicine, law, religion, etc. Whatever your orientation, we can help you articulate your cause in a better way. 

We assist institutions in various stages of operation. If you’re engaged in exploration and rediscovery of ideas, we can assist you with further inquiry and consolidation of the study. If you’re in the phase of processing divergence and divisions, we can help you sort and study analytically. If you’re in the space of convergence and consolidation, we can extend our expertise in documenting and sourcing support to argument. We understand that institutions’ primary urge is to manage change, inculcate diverse viewpoints and design and propose future course of actions. As a thought leader of an institution, you might appreciate the role of strategic communications in all these endeavours. Infact, we would like to claim that the institutions are incomplete without attempting to communicate appropriately with diverse audiences.  

Our strategy and communication solutions will help you articulate and set the rules of the game. We can also help you define the practices which you’re proposing so that there’s wider acceptance of the new idea and lessen the friction as much as possible. Our actions can help your institution set the narrative favourably to your advantage. Forming a new narrative takes a lot of understanding of interests, needs, expectations of various stakeholders, in particular the interest groups, which has the status quo to maintain. 

The ‘Aspirational Awareness’ framework of Integral World is created with requirements and restrictions of institutions in mind. A proper deployment of this programme will have a huge impact on the operations and influence of your institution.

We help

Conduct Research​
and Analysis

Research and analysis enable institutions to gather data, analyze it, and derive insights to inform decision-making. It can help institutions identify emerging trends, analyze stakeholder needs and interests, assess the impact of policies and programs, and evaluate their effectiveness.

Related Expertise
We help

Publish and manage

Communication is a vital aspect of institutions, and publications and production are essential components of this function. Publications and production can help establish thought leadership, engage stakeholders, and influence public opinion, disseminate information, educate the public, and build awareness about their work.

Related Expertise
We help

Network ​and ​
Sustain Support

Institutions rely on strong relationships with stakeholders for success. Networking support involves identifying partners, analyzing trends, and executing strategies for events or campaigns. Our service provides logistical assistance and evaluation, helping institutions build connections, collaborate, and access new opportunities

Related Expertise
We help

Manage ​
the Events

Institutions often organize events to connect with stakeholders, build relationships, and share knowledge. This can help institutions achieve their objectives, such as knowledge dissemination, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement.

Related Expertise
IntegralWorld-Projects-casestudy-Collecting-distilling-and-actioning-local-risk-and-resilience-perspectives-VFL Flyer-Eng
Integral Focus

Aspirational Awareness

Integral World’s intention is to assist your institution in deliberating change in a positive direction; help you walk through diverse paths and yet never lose sight of the destination; and enable you to design the rules, practices and narratives of change. Our expertise in inquiry and deriving insights will come in handy along with our ability to ideate, innovate and integrate various resources. Our experience in implementing collaborative and cooperative actions will enhance your institutions’ outlook.

Let's help your institution create lasting change!
We would love to provide consultation, collaborate and create something new together, or simply know you being from the same sector. Leave a message!
We help you…


We are adept at aligning with your thoughts


We can lead you in the right direction to rightful space


We strive to steer you on a
steady course

We can unite and cooperate with you to

We can think together, club together and work together to integrate resources to form a new initiative or idea.