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We help you help



We are dedicated to help you end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity, equality and in a healthy environment.

We help you help


& Progress​

We are committed to help you ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.


We help you help


our Planet

We are determined to help you protect the planet from degradation, sustainably manage its natural resources and take urgent action on climate change.

We help you help


the Other

We are insistent to help you foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace.


We help you help

Partner to


We are set on to help you mobilize the means required to revitalize Global Partnership based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, and with the participation of all kinds of stakeholders.

We Help You 
We all live in an Integral World and our vision is to help you make our world
a positive, pleasant, protected, pacific, and purposeful place.
Our mission is to progress by taking
Rightful actions
to benefit all

We are an experienced, nonprofit entity specifically working with the development sector, using the strategic and comprehensive approach to tell stories, to improve understanding, to delve deeper into the issues, and find solutions for lasting change.

We help you:
We all live in an Integral World and our vision is to help you make our world
a positive, pleasant, protected, pacific, and purposeful place.

Integral Partners


Projects Completed


People Reached


Places Impacted

We help...
Anyone and everyone who is concerned with the development.
We help irrespective of its origin, size, model, exposure, focus, etc.
We help establish and act towards
Maximising the positive impact

Our actions are directed towards actualizing your vision, making you approach your mission, in line with your values.

We encourage you to look at the
Conscious side of Capitalism

If you are in the business of making a better world, you are an integral part of the solution and we want to help you. 

We empower our representatives
To transform the system for good

Along with the welfare of the citizens and environment, peace and partnership are integral to its success.

We endeavour and strive towards
Taking you
to the next level

We understand your zeal and conviction that innovative social ideas can change the world in a sustained manner.

We enable your effort to
Root nicely and nourish everyone

Your compassion and generous backing lets the NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, etc. to go about doing their much needed work.

We... Better. Together.
We believe in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
If implemented rightly, it can change the world. See our works related to the SDGs.
Our perspective
We sight, resight – the hindsight, oversight, unsighted, outsight, insight and foresight – through the angle of sustainable development
a social worker creating a strong message for its audience

Creating Powerful Messages & Meaning for Development Audience

Effective communication is vital in development. Learn how Integral World crafts messages that engage audiences, drive participation, and
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an social worker looking for community need

Exploring and Addressing Community Needs

Community complex needs are the foundational elements of successful projects. Integral World understands this perfectly and therefore, it
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a person doing constituent research and analysis

Constituent Research and Analysis in Development Strategy

It is necessary to grasp the needs, preferences and behaviour of constituents for development strategies to move forward
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A Social Worker Developing Distributable Publications for Social Work

Developing Distributable Publications for Social Work

Non-profit sector, where the importance of trust and credibility cannot be overstated, requires development of distributable publications that
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a social worker showing presentation module

Creating Engaging Presentation Modules for Development Work

Presentations are crucial in development work as they serve as important tools that enhance understanding, engagement and inspire
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group of social workers guided by a leader

Authenticity in Leadership Training for Development Professionals

In the non profit sector, leaders requires a distinctive combination of skills and qualities, with special emphasis on
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Let’s Integrate
for a better world!
We can partner together and multiply forces
to tackle the pressing problems.
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We have the right experience, understanding and sensitivities to walk you through to the new world of opportunities.

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We need to debate, discuss and deliberate about choosing the right kind of transformation in our integrated world.

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We can think together, club together and work together to integrate resources to form a new initiative or idea.

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We take immense joy and satisfaction from our selfless, ethical, and rightful actions performed for the benefit of others.