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Support Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.​

life below water


Integral World actively works towards protecting and restoring marine and coastal environments through comprehensive conservation efforts. It supports initiatives that establish and manage marine protected areas, implement sustainable coastal zone management practices, and enforce regulations against overfishing and illegal fishing activities. Integral World facilitates community-based programs that promote sustainable livelihood alternatives for small-scale fishers and coastal communities.

Through policy advocacy and partnerships, Integral World strives to combat marine pollution by reducing land-based sources of pollution, promoting sustainable waste management, and advocating for stronger regulations on maritime activities. It raises awareness about the importance of marine conservation, encourages responsible tourism practices, and supports scientific research to monitor and understand threats to marine biodiversity. By championing ecosystem-based management approaches, Integral World contributes to preserving the health and resilience of oceans and coastal areas for current and future generations.

a turtle swimming in the water with a plastic bag stuck around its neck
a person swimming under water with a school of fish


As an entity within Auroville, Integral World is dedicated to the pursuit of SDG 14: Life Below Water. Our purpose is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. Integral World helps in actively engaging in protecting and restoring marine and coastal environments through comprehensive conservation efforts. We support initiatives that establish and manage marine protected areas, implement sustainable coastal zone management practices, and enforce regulations against overfishing and illegal fishing activities. Our organization facilitates community-based programs that promote sustainable livelihood alternatives for small-scale fishers and coastal communities.

Through policy advocacy and partnerships, Integral World works to combat marine pollution, reduce land-based sources of pollution, and promote sustainable waste management practices. We raise awareness about the importance of marine conservation, encourage responsible tourism practices, and support scientific research to monitor and understand threats to marine biodiversity. By championing ecosystem-based management approaches, Integral World contributes to preserving the health and resilience of oceans and coastal areas for current and future generations.


  • Renewable Energy Promotion: Integral World supports the transition to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Energy Efficiency: Integral World promotes energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption and decrease carbon emissions, including the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices.
  • Climate Resilience: Integral World supports initiatives that enhance climate resilience, including the development of climate adaptation strategies, the implementation of resilient infrastructure, and the promotion of nature-based solutions.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Integral World encourages individuals, businesses, and communities to measure and reduce their carbon footprint through sustainable practices and the use of low-carbon alternatives.
  • Climate Advocacy: Integral World advocates for strong climate policies and agreements at local, national, and international levels to address the urgent need for climate action and facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Climate Education: Integral World provides education and awareness programs to inform and empower individuals about climate change, its impacts, and the importance of taking climate action.
  • Sustainable Land Use: Integral World promotes sustainable land management practices, including reforestation, afforestation, and the protection of natural habitats, to sequester carbon and preserve biodiversity.
  • Climate Mitigation Projects: Integral World supports projects that contribute to greenhouse gas reduction, such as carbon offset programs, renewable energy installations, and sustainable agriculture practices.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Integral World collaborates with governments, organizations, and communities to foster partnerships and leverage resources for effective climate action implementation.
  • Climate Research and Innovation: Integral World supports research and innovation in climate science, technology, and policy to advance climate solutions, identify best practices, and drive sustainable development.
fish swimming in the ocean
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