Engagement Strategy:
Messages And Meaning
We craft your story in a way which makes it yours and relatable to your audiences
After studying the level of audiences’ understanding about your work, the next obvious step is crafting your messages accordingly. To be able to connect with your audience deeply it is not enough to just convey the information and try to impress with facts and figures. It is imperative to connect with them emotionally and let them understand the benefit of winning together.
The process of finding a connect is an art form. Till now we have conducted logical study of your purpose and analysed tactfully other influencing factors but crafting a story that emotionally connect with your audience is the intuitive process. Our research entails studying your audiences interest and expectations, needs and aspirations and observe their habits and understanding to formulate a story form or a template that would connect perfectly.
Functions under Messages and Meaning
Our research prompts you to frame your brand promise
We explore your sector and your audience to understand what moves them and what motivates them. We then study your communication objectives and look at other operators key messages. With the help of this information we formulate and suggest multiple possible brand promises and auxiliary brand voices.

We work with you to find your brand voices
During our brainstorming session we try to compile the communication objectives and brand promises to set up the hook or interest in the message. Then we put together the value proposition, situation focus, audience expectation, to dig deeper and overcome the communication hurdle. Finally, we present the call to action and brand voice in such a manner that it provides a resolution to our story.
We report in a form of template which you may always refer to
Our templates are a culmination of promises for you as well as your audiences, addressing the challenges which you and they face together, and find a resolution which is amicably profitable for both the parties. Our communication template lets you be proactive rather than be reactive to the organisational needs.