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Uplifting individuals and communities out of poverty

“UpLift” embodies our commitment to uplifting individuals and communities out of poverty, aligning with SDG 1 – No Poverty. The “UpLift” campaign aims to address the challenge of poverty by providing support, resources, and opportunities for individuals and communities to improve their socioeconomic status and overall well-being within Auroville and beyond.

better bharat 2030


The “UpLift” initiative is rooted in our belief that poverty is not inevitable and that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive. With a clear mission and vision, we aim to tackle poverty head-on, addressing its underlying causes and providing tangible solutions for lasting change. 

Overall, the “UpLift” campaign will leverage a multi-faceted approach combining awareness-raising, advocacy, financial support, skills development, and basic needs provision to uplift individuals and communities out of poverty. By addressing the root causes of poverty and providing holistic support, the campaign aims to create sustainable pathways to economic empowerment and social inclusion.


  • To eradicate poverty within Auroville and surrounding communities by providing access to resources, opportunities, and support systems.
  • To empower individuals through skills development, entrepreneurship, and livelihood initiatives, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
  • To advocate for policies and programs that promote social inclusion, equality, and economic justice, ensuring that no one is left behind in our pursuit of a poverty-free world.
a man sitting on a bench looking at a tablet

Activities and Tasks

Awareness and Advocacy

The campaign will start by raising awareness about the issues surrounding poverty, including its root causes and impact on individuals and societies. This can be done through various channels such as social media, community events, and educational workshops. Advocacy efforts will also be undertaken to promote policies and initiatives that support poverty alleviation.

better bharat 2030
better bharat 2030

Access to Microfinance

The campaign will start by raising awareness about the issues surrounding poverty, including its root causes and impact on individuals and societies. This can be done through various channels such as social media, community events, and educational workshops. Advocacy efforts will also be undertaken to promote policies and initiatives that support poverty alleviation.

Livelihood Development

Another focus area is livelihood development projects aimed at equipping individuals and communities with the skills and resources needed to generate sustainable income. This can involve training programs in agriculture, livestock rearing, handicrafts, or other income-generating activities tailored to the specific needs and interests of the target population. Actionable steps include identifying viable livelihood opportunities, providing training and mentorship, and facilitating access to markets and resources.

better bharat 2030
better bharat 2030

Basic Needs Provision

The campaign also seeks to address the immediate needs of impoverished communities by providing access to essential services such as clean water, food assistance, healthcare, and shelter. Actionable steps may include conducting needs assessments, partnering with local organizations or government agencies, and implementing targeted interventions to address specific gaps in service delivery.

Education and Skills Training

Investing in education and skills training is crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals to secure stable employment opportunities. The campaign will support initiatives that improve access to quality education and vocational training programs for marginalized populations. Actionable steps include partnering with educational institutions, developing curriculum and training materials, and providing scholarships or financial assistance to support learning opportunities.

better bharat 2030

Community Engagement in Auroville

  • Engaging with local communities in and around Auroville to understand their needs, priorities, and aspirations, and involving them in the design and implementation of poverty alleviation initiatives.
  • Creating platforms for dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing to foster community resilience and empowerment. 
Foreseen Impact and Outcomes
  • Reduction in poverty rates within Auroville and surrounding areas.
  • Increased economic empowerment and resilience among vulnerable populations.
  • Improved access to education, healthcare, and basic services for individuals and families living in poverty.
  • Enhanced social cohesion and community well-being.
Integral World Guarantees!
Progress Tracking and Reporting
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation of program activities and outcomes to track progress towards achieving the initiative’s objectives.
  • Transparent reporting on key performance indicators, success stories, and lessons learned to stakeholders and the wider community.
Get Involved
Together, we can make a world of difference and create a better, equitable and prosperous future for all.

Individuals: Join us in our mission to uplift individuals and communities out of poverty by volunteering or contributing for the UpLift initiative.

Institutions: Explore opportunities for collaboration and partnership to amplify the impact of our poverty alleviation efforts.

Support Integral World.

Donate to the UpLift initiative through financial support, in-kind donations, or sponsorship, and help us expand our reach and impact.