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Mobilise Resources

We help in boosting the ability to back your nonprofit aspirations, which is largely dependent on the resources you can muster on a sustainable basis

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Anyone’s intentions are as good as their actions. As a nonprofit, to act, you’re forever dependent on outside support. We assist you in this process by helping you first clearly define the needs and search for possible sources of compatible funding. Usually, a lot of resources are spent on securing funding, hence detailed insights on return on investments will guide you in making right choices. At any given point of time, many players are vying for the limited resource, you need to innovatively position yourself to stand out and win their attention. It is also true that there’s not only one source to fund your initiatives. There are many avenues to pursue support, a coordinated and balanced approach is a must, while having a multipronged approach. If you’re actively engaged or planning to do it, we can take care of the communication-related actions, so that you can focus on the indispensable crucial aspects. As a nonprofit, it is essential to periodically introspect on the routes taken, to make it even more efficient the subsequent times.


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Clarity of needs and search for possible sources of compatible funding

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A lot of resources are spent on securing funding, a detailed insights on return on investments will help

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Many players are vying for any limited resource, we innovatively position you to stand out

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There are many avenues to pursue support, a coordinated and balanced approach is a must

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We can take care of the communication related actions, so that you can focus on crucial parts

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We can study the routes taken, to make it even more efficient the subsequent times


In this regard, you may consult us for various aspects of resource mobilisation. We can look at your diverse portfolio and create bespoke engagement strategies for each audience group. The cookie cutter approach hardly works as each of your target groups might have different needs and expectations. Each route of resource mobilisation through individuals, incorporations and institutions has distinct flavour and you’d benefit from our experiences of nuanced differentiation. The donors are required to be engaged on a friendship basis and a cash cow mindset does not take anyone far. Even if it’s a larger groupset, a more proactive public relations management route would be far more rewarding. We can independently take up the role of researching your audiences and analysis of preferences for you to get clarity in decision making and efficiency in fundraising. We can help you in reporting to diverse funders and document the programme process for further mobility of resources. 

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We can create bespoke engagement strategies for each audience group to boost resource mobilisation, as a cookie cutter approach doesn't work.

We assist in defining needs and finding funding sources, and use our experiences to differentiate approaches for individuals, corporations, and institutions.

Engaging donors on a friendship basis, and proactive public relations management, rather than a cash cow mindset, is key to successful fundraising.

A more proactive approach to public relations management is important for successful fundraising, even for larger groups, and we can help in this regard.

We can independently research and analyze audience preferences to help you make informed decisions for efficient fundraising.

We can help in reporting to diverse funders and document the programme process for further resource mobilisation.

Shall we look at your organisational communication