Resource Mobilization:
Individual Fundraising
We help you raise friends for your cause, we believe the funds will follow
When you endeavor to raise funds through individual fundraising, the benefit is not merely monetary; it is an opportunity for you to connect with the public and make them aware of your cause. As opposed to institutional or corporate funding, the motivation behind individuals supporting your cause is purely emotional, and thus valuable.
Your impact on beneficiaries directly depends on your ability to impress your funders. Our audience related research would be helpful to profile your target groups and have a focused approach for each one of them. Even though you may only choose audiences who might have a connection with your cause, their demography related dimensions might have implications which you need to consider.
Functions under Individual Fundraising
We help you find the right individuals to connect with
You may have done audience related analysis but it is a totally another thing to raise funds from them. It takes a different kind of exploration to study the individual's pattern of empathising and supporting different causes. We employ multiple survey, observation and analysis models to find connection.

We strategize with you to strike an emotional connect
Our strategy tools are modelled towards finding different perspectives of multiple audience groups and aligning them with your causes. We study the focus groups as well as high net worth individuals (HNI) to unearth avenues to raise funds. With you we find ways to make the potential funders as your friends and make them champion your causes.
We lay out the connection points for you to refer later
We present the record of the entire research process to explain to stakeholders the method behind our choices. The purpose of the report is to spell the scope of possibilities which lies unexplored and underestimated. The research findings and the brainstorming session results can be later acted on for organisation’s benefit.