Monitoring and Evaluation:
Evaluation Methods
We help you contextually conceive, categorise and grade your actions appropriately
With monitoring mechanisms and measurement tools in place, you may proceed with your work. But when the periodic moment to evaluate arrives, the question remains how to qualitatively judge the progress. The measurement tools may inform you ‘what’ to judge but, evaluation methods and methodology would help you establish the norms of ‘how’ to judge.
Our strategy establishment process begins with the research around your previous evaluation methodologies and gauging its positives and fundamental flaws. The gained insights would help us direct the conversation during our workshop to find effective evaluation methodologies. The report acts as a guide for any evaluator to judge the performance.
Functions under Evaluation Methods
We ascertain the prevailing conditions and assess accordingly
Our research process is essentially an exercise of understanding expectations, of all involved stakeholders. By having multiple perspectives, we look at work from various angles and study their background and aspirations. We collect field observations and case studies to cross study and understand the variables.

We determine the unique range of functions in your domain
Informed by the profound research we work with you to establish universal evaluation methodologies. We begin with the standpoint of the supporters and their prerequisites. Then, we look into your organisation’s objectives and targets, and equally observe and empathise with ground realities and constituent’s aspirations. Finally, we establish amicable evaluation techniques which are fair and considerate.
We help you evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively
The purpose of the report is to establish transparent and universal evaluation methodologies for you to observe across sections and locations. The benefit of having clear indicators and dynamic evaluative techniques will help you objectively consider quality along with quantity of your action.