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Project Promotion:

Archive & Documentation

We diligently document your project which meets your stakeholders expectations

Recording your process of delivering change is an essential aspect of a project success. Documentation is highly important to showcase your promises are being manifested through your actions. The transparency of the process will boost the trust factor and magnify your organisation’s image. Openly published documents amplify your neutral dispositions and honest efforts to harness change.

Our procedures of documentation vary depending on the sector, theme, and purpose. In general, these may involve document drafting, formatting, submitting, reviewing, approving, distributing, reposting and tracking, etc., and are convened by associated SOPs mandated by the regulatory body. It could also involve creating content from scratch. We create easy to read and understand articles with clear, short, familiar words.

Functions under Archive & Documentation


We collate, contextualise, and refine in a concise manner

We endeavor to convey the project's value proposition through a variety of media. We collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs) to define and then create content (documentation) that meets the user's needs. We create the framework for the content presentation; collect raw information from the ground and through online and offline research; draft the first version; refine, and further give creative twists to finalise the documents.

a man and woman looking at papers
two women looking at the papers


We freeze your actions in time as a proof of your performance

We chronicle events or environments both significant and relevant to the project. Photo-documenting the actions and its effect on the condition of the people, both immediate and long-term. Documentary photography generally relates to a more complex storyline within a project framework. Our work is influenced to a greater degree by the need of your audiences and stakeholders.


We narrate your challenges and successes in a story form

Video is a valuable tool for creative documentation and it can be used to facilitate information gathering, reporting, dissemination and networking. Video makes it easy to share cultural material with larger audiences. While gathering footages of people, sites or objects for the purpose of a project, we take consent and proceed with common understanding.

a person using a laptop
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