Helped establish Views from the Frontline 2019 (VFL 2019) and create a training toolkit with the aim of strengthening the inclusion of at-risk people in a collaboration involving them, civil society members as well as governments for designing and implementing risk-reduction and resilience-building policies and practices.
Continue readingEnsuring the holistic development of an adolescent population
The Shubh Aarambh programme saw us collaborate with the Mondelēz International Foundation and Save the Children in addressing health-related concerns and building a healthy lifestyle, while aiming to bring positive change in the lives of young children. Toward this end, we developed educational animated films featuring muppets which narrated everyday stories reflecting real-life community circumstances.
Continue readingDeveloping interactive tools for Sustainable Household Energy (SHE) Schools
Integral World contributed to Evolving a Women-centred Model of Extension of Improved Cook Stoves for Sustained Adoption at Scale by integrating a participatory learning and peer influencing approach among women living in Forest Dependent Households (FDHs) in the Indian states of Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
Continue readingConceptualizing and Developing a Multi-Resource Centre Prototype
Helped Save the Children set up a Multi-Resource Centre in which children in conflict with the law can interact with stakeholders in the juvenile justice inquiry process via technological interfaces. This ensures care and protection for children by allowing legal proceedings to be conducted more quickly and without victimizing and traumatising the children further.
Continue readingEmpowering children and communities in minimizing disaster-related vulnerabilities and risks
Working with Save the Children and Nokia, we focused on designing the Disaster Management Resource Centre through which to sensitize the communities, especially children, about Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Child Sensitive Social Protection (CSSP).
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